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  • what do you think of the new Molygen oil? I'm currently using the LM Leichtlauf High Tech and I like it.
    Have you uprated your clutch, if so what rout did you go?
    did you stay DMFW or go SMFW?

    39,900 mi on OEM clutch, it started slipping today (in 6th).
    I'm stock tune and drive it easy, most of the time but got WOT once in a while, but I'm in gear when I do it...
    Have you installed a euro cup holder in your R?

    I had a lot of parts off the consile last week, but not enough to get to the cup holder.

    any advice?
    RACECO has started posting the stage 3 build on their Facebook page. Our target completion date is January 24th. (Be nice to get my car back)
    RaceCo will often post pictures on their Facebook might check this out.......also, I am calling them tomorrow and will ask if they will post pictures.....

    Appreciate your interest.....
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