Allergy sufferer's, question!


Go Kart Champion
I never said I had to take all day off :iono:

Just getting the 1-2 hours a week would be like pulling teeth to get approved. I work for a legal Nazi regime.

Oh, sorry I must have misread it. If are thinking about getting the shots, keep in mind the older you are when you start, the less effective they tend to be and the less chance you'll become immune in the end.


Go Kart Champion
After playing rec. league bball last night I came home with a tickle in my throat that progressed to severe itchy eyes and then sneezing. I had a mini freak out because a few years back this happened to me and my throat also started swelling shut! That episode required ER treatment of course but last night's event was remedied with two "chlor tabs" which took about an hour to kick in. Doctors never figured out what exactly caused my severe allergic reaction but now I wonder if the two events are related? I could be allergic to something that someone I play against wears, like cologne or deoderant...

If you are an allergy sufferer you always need to have Benadryl or chlor tabs handy just in case the situation becomes severe. For maintenance the generic Claritin works well for me while Zyrtec causes severe fatigue and Allegra does nothing at all.

Allergies suck azzzz but once you figure out what meds work for you, life becomes more tolerable.


Go Kart Champion
Every year my allergies seem to get worse,this year ive already started getting the runny nose and itchy eyes combined with a constant dull head ache. Good post op