Almost hit by a drunken driver


Ready to race!
Almost hit by a drunken driver.
My heart is still pumping like crazy...
So, about 30 minutes ago I went to starbucks and on my way home on the freeway,
I saw a light behind me getting close on me and he quickly changed into right lane and he passed me with 3inches gap between my side mirror to his side mirror.
I was like :mad0259::mad::frown::eyebulge::cry::yikes:
and he almost crashed into a little box thing at the exit( with yellow and black striped on) and went his way.
I wanted to follow him and kill him.
f'ing druken drivers....
I just wanted to say this to someone.


Go Kart Champion
A well timed post, considering another member of this board just got tagged for DUI. I've had more than a few scares from drunken drivers over the years, and I think it goes without saying... we can all do without it!

I know drunk drivers are just other human beings, but that doesn't let us escape the consequences when things go wrong. Think before you drink and drive!


The Lame & The Ludicrous
Next time, call 911 and report the driver. A description of the car, license plate and direction of travel will make sure the highway patrol will keep their eyes open.


Ready to race!
Next time, call 911 and report the driver. A description of the car, license plate and direction of travel will make sure the highway patrol will keep their eyes open.


never thought to do that


Months ago, my GF was entering the freeway (4 lane freeway) and this red chevy blazer was in the #3 lane. Well this guy was obviously drunk. He went from the #3 lane to #4 lane no signal. Okay. He grazed the shoulder. Okay. He then proceeds to coast to the #1 lane no hesitation. At that point we were like "this guy is fucked up" so we kept as far away as possible. Besides we were going to exit at the next offramp. No worries. Not so much. This fuck head goes from the #1 lane to the #4 lane right in front of us. Just to make things more interesting he drives up on the embankment of the offramp. At the red light at the bottom of the ramp he goes straight to reenter the freeway and literally comes within 1 foot of hitting a couple walking through the intersection. We called that shit in, I hope he got what was coming to him.
I saw a light behind me getting close on me and he quickly changed into right lane and he passed me with 3inches gap between my side mirror to his side mirror.

I never drive after drinking AT ALL, and I do that all the time. Stop being a left lane lurker. Get the fuck over.

I wanted to follow him and kill him.

Time to learn the proper lane to drive in. You were in the wrong, not him.

I do post drunk. All the time :thumbsup:
Yeah, I probably didn't think that post through. Might have been a 3 lane highway. If not, then you should probably hang in the right lane, because it will happen a lot. Glad your ok, OP. And, I'm quite aware I'm an asshole.


Radioactive Rotary Rocket
I called the cops on a drunk driver once. They called me back 3 months later and said they caught him, he was still drunk!


Go Kart Champion
In Florida you get a $100 reward if you report a drunk driver and they get arrested for DUI. Time to go and make money this holiday season. :biggrin: So easy to do in South Beach.


Radioactive Rotary Rocket
When you drink and drive it's basically like setting your bank account on fire for the next 10 years.


VR6 Turbo FTW!
In Florida you get a $100 reward if you report a drunk driver and they get arrested for DUI. Time to go and make money this holiday season. :biggrin: So easy to do in South Beach.

This is true.. i did it in Tampa in Ybor City


In Florida you get a $100 reward if you report a drunk driver and they get arrested for DUI. Time to go and make money this holiday season. :biggrin: So easy to do in South Beach.


I'm so gonna do this now even if CA doesn't offer shit