CSB3: Forum Bros Celebrate Our Creator And Lord, Danzig


Autocross Champion
Look into Jeff Galloway's Run/Walk/Run and come up with a plan. Use a watch or app to make you take walk breaks. I still do this on my long runs after 10 years of running. I target a 11:00 to 12:00 minute pace and run 0.90 miles and take a walk break of 0.10. At this point, I can pretty much do that all day long (until my IT band tightens up or prior mentioned toenails get angry haha).

This is also why I prefer trail running with elevation. The terrain naturally forces you to slow down. Road running sucks in general, but I do it out of necessity since it's easier at work.

I do focus on a run/walk approach. Based it on C25K at first and am now just kinda doing my own thing with it on the treadmill.

New shoes will def help... especially if you have issues with the impact of running on hard surfaces. Get some poofy ones to mitigate that. Try to run on dirt/grass/nothardsurfaces too... it really makes a difference.
Have you exercised your lower leg muscles? All the tib muscles? Do you make sure to warm up before a run?
Also, do you run on your heels? It puts a lot of strain on your shins. So probably not the best.

I know I'm yapping, but there's lots of factors that can contribute to shin splints...

I have a tib machine I've been meaning to unbox and set up as I've noticed some weakness/fatigue there as pace picks up. Always do 5ish minutes of semi-spirited walking before running. Not really a heel striker.

This. Hoka max cushion are like running on clouds. I replace my shoes every year or 300 miles, whatever comes first. I usually have 3 or 4 pair in rotation to make them last longer and for various surfaces.

I'm notoriously bad at warming up pre-run haha.

I did spend quite a bit of time transitioning to more of a mid-foot strike. Full toe running takes a long time to adapt to. Zero drop shoes can help as well, but you need to transition to them because it takes a while for your achilles to stretch.

Mine eventually went away on their own once I started to hit like 20-30 mile weeks. Not sure if that is typical, but I just sort of beat them into submission haha.

Mine are probably a year and a half old at this point so probably time for new ones. I used to be a Brooks fan but switched to Altra for the toeboxes and zero/minimal drop - I wear zero drops for my day-to-day shoes as well.

One of the things I have been trying to focus on is ensuring I'm getting a good midfoot strike even at slower paces. I feel like I'm more consistent with the mid strike starting around a 12 min/mi pace.

I was not always a heavy guy - I was fairly to very fit up until about 25 or 26, so I've got some decent foundational knowledge. Played competitive sports in HS, some competitive sports but mostly IMs in college and a good "gym to get fit for da girls" routine, played some amateur soccer and rugby for a couple years post-grad. Silly how fast a 9-5 desk job, penchant for brews, etc can result in 60ish lbs of weight gain. Also silly how easy it would have been to maintain some semblance of fitness instead of just pissing it away and starting over like I'm doing now.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
I'm playing taxi driver to my wife and all her friends this weekend. It's the annual club tennis championships and the parking lot is packed so I'll picking them up and driving them to and from their matches. On the bright side, I get to see fit legs in tennis skirts all weekend.
Pics of hot moms with a shoe on their head is needed


Autocross Champion
Have like 6 Oz. of weed to make into cannabutter tomorrow.

We'll see if I get too stoned to put that much work in with the grinder. Most of it is oldish so it should grind easily.
I don't celebrate like that. lol
Getting too stoned isn't fun anymore. It ends up being a wasted day because I sleep all day.


Autocross Champion
I'm playing taxi driver to my wife and all her friends this weekend. It's the annual club tennis championships and the parking lot is packed so I'll picking them up and driving them to and from their matches. On the bright side, I get to see fit legs in tennis skirts all weekend.


Autocross Champion
I do focus on a run/walk approach. Based it on C25K at first and am now just kinda doing my own thing with it on the treadmill.

I have a tib machine I've been meaning to unbox and set up as I've noticed some weakness/fatigue there as pace picks up. Always do 5ish minutes of semi-spirited walking before running. Not really a heel striker.

Mine are probably a year and a half old at this point so probably time for new ones. I used to be a Brooks fan but switched to Altra for the toeboxes and zero/minimal drop - I wear zero drops for my day-to-day shoes as well.

One of the things I have been trying to focus on is ensuring I'm getting a good midfoot strike even at slower paces. I feel like I'm more consistent with the mid strike starting around a 12 min/mi pace.

I was not always a heavy guy - I was fairly to very fit up until about 25 or 26, so I've got some decent foundational knowledge. Played competitive sports in HS, some competitive sports but mostly IMs in college and a good "gym to get fit for da girls" routine, played some amateur soccer and rugby for a couple years post-grad. Silly how fast a 9-5 desk job, penchant for brews, etc can result in 60ish lbs of weight gain. Also silly how easy it would have been to maintain some semblance of fitness instead of just pissing it away and starting over like I'm doing now.
Tib machine? Do tell...

5 min fast walking is maybe just warming up the muscles... but doing some dyanmic stretches is 80% of the warmup (think frankensteins... open close gate... lunges... etc, dm me if u want my routine)

U gonna join us for a meetup?


Autocross Champion
Tib machine? Do tell...

5 min fast walking is maybe just warming up the muscles... but doing some dyanmic stretches is 80% of the warmup (think frankensteins... open close gate... lunges... etc, dm me if u want my routine)

U gonna join us for a meetup?

Thursday meetup is tough as I'd need to take PTO and I have maybe 1 day left until end of June. A weekend meetup with CT Gang much more likely.


Autocross Champion
I don't celebrate like that. lol
Getting too stoned isn't fun anymore. It ends up being a wasted day because I sleep all day.
I actually can't smoke that much these days either. I don't have any actual crazy smoking plans tomorrow, just gonna process a lot of weed that I've been accumulating for a bit too long.


Autocross Champion
My seats are nearly in.
I have the wiring stuff done.
I'm just bolting the seat to the sliders and the sliders to the mount before I take it downstairs to the car.
Only issue is... one of the sliders won't stop sliding... B r u h
Supposed to fly out tomorrow and I have to have this done tonight/tmrw morning (still need to vacuum carpet + detail it)


Autocross Champion
Found my way into a new motor for the mini. Built 1380cc, just needs assembly.


1275cc A+ motor bored to 1380cc
Elgin 003 cam
Hif44 carb
Port/Polish head, brass guides, decked
Perfect trans
Spare trans
Lightened flywheel
New clutch

Just need time to get the motor built.


Autocross Champion
Found my way into a new motor for the mini. Built 1380cc, just needs assembly.
View attachment 303524
View attachment 303523

1275cc A+ motor bored to 1380cc
Elgin 003 cam
Hif44 carb
Port/Polish head, brass guides, decked
Perfect trans
Spare trans
Lightened flywheel
New clutch

Just need time to get the motor built.
*Some assembly required.