Modern Warfare 3


schmoser boser....


I have not. I don't do clan tags unless someone comes up w/ a really clever one haha. Man, I really wanna play but I got hw haha.

mines 2P1S. take a wild guess at what that stands for. if that tickles your fancy, you're welcome to use it projekt :thumbsup:


schmoser boser....
mines 2P1S. take a wild guess at what that stands for. if that tickles your fancy, you're welcome to use it projekt :thumbsup:

^ Guys who boost up there ranking. Usually join games with friends then let each other kill them. I dont really know how there are boosters tho in MW3.

Try joining team tactical,, usually a player will have his 2nd joystick active(split screen) and invites his other friends to a lobby witch will
Do the same thing , so four friends each one with two users , four a side and let the boosting begin .
Just got worked in a match that had 2 guys that are in the top 20 in the world for most kills. Demolition on Dome and went 13-37 and couldnt even get out of the main big building. Shit was crazy!!!