Go Kart Champion
Sargent Shultz, my 9 yr old Schnauzer, was my best friend.
As I rounded the corner of my house I saw my dog dangling lifelessly as the Rottweiler was holding him up by his neck.
I scared the Rottweiler away, and rushed to my dog. He was in shock, motionless, barely breathing, and bleeding badly from his throat (and other places).
Since it's Sunday, no vetrinary offices were open. The nearest emergency animal hospital was 45 min away. I called my wife at work and told her to get home fast. She held our dog in the backseat, wrapped in a blanket, holding a rag on his neck as I drove 100 mph to the animal hospital. She talked to him the whole drive, telling him it was going to be OK, but he was slipping away
He was barely alive when we got to the hospital, and the doctor said there was really not much they could do. His neck was broke, one eyeball was blown out, throat wide open, fluid on his brain....massive trauma. We had to put him down. We pretty much knew he wasn't going to pull through, but we had to try to save him.
The attack happened around noon, and I just got finished burying him about an hour ago. It's been a long, long, sad day. Ole' PENROSE cried for 5 solid hours tears left. Bought the dog for my wife for her 30th birthday. He was our 1rst "child". We also have a 6 yr old son, Paxton.
I'm still in shock, and I'm now sitting here wondering what I should do.
Call Action 4 News Station?
Call my neighbor?
I live on 5 acres...and my neighbors live on 10. This attack happened 5 feet from the side of my house, right next to my central a/c unit. I actually don't know my neighbors that well. We keep to ourselves pretty much. Wave as we pass each other while dropping our kids at the bus stop in the morning....that's about it. They know what happened. They came down to my house while I was on my way home from the hospital with my sobbing wife and my dead, torn up dog in a box in the trunk. My mom was there watching my son and she opened the door and told them that she just couldn't talk today....please leave....we'll talk tomorrow. My mom was a mess too.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to do......something.
They actually have TWO Rottweilers, and I'm wondering what would have happened if my 6 yr old son would have seen the attack.....and tried to save his dog???!!! We were both outside when it happened, but we were on the other side of the house....didn't hear the attack.
But....what if......
That could have been my son dangling from that dogs jaws. Dear Lord. I'm afraid to let my son outside to play now.
I'm not really looking for pity here. Just looking for advice on what I should do now. What steps to take, and when. And what should I expect to happen.
I'm not thinking straight and need some help.
I did call 911 right after the attack to get the hospital phone number. And I did call the State Police just now. They are sending an SPCA officer over to my house to "get my information". But the SPCA guy said that there's not much that he can do. He said it's a civil matter.
As I rounded the corner of my house I saw my dog dangling lifelessly as the Rottweiler was holding him up by his neck.
I scared the Rottweiler away, and rushed to my dog. He was in shock, motionless, barely breathing, and bleeding badly from his throat (and other places).
Since it's Sunday, no vetrinary offices were open. The nearest emergency animal hospital was 45 min away. I called my wife at work and told her to get home fast. She held our dog in the backseat, wrapped in a blanket, holding a rag on his neck as I drove 100 mph to the animal hospital. She talked to him the whole drive, telling him it was going to be OK, but he was slipping away
He was barely alive when we got to the hospital, and the doctor said there was really not much they could do. His neck was broke, one eyeball was blown out, throat wide open, fluid on his brain....massive trauma. We had to put him down. We pretty much knew he wasn't going to pull through, but we had to try to save him.
The attack happened around noon, and I just got finished burying him about an hour ago. It's been a long, long, sad day. Ole' PENROSE cried for 5 solid hours tears left. Bought the dog for my wife for her 30th birthday. He was our 1rst "child". We also have a 6 yr old son, Paxton.
I'm still in shock, and I'm now sitting here wondering what I should do.
Call Action 4 News Station?
Call my neighbor?
I live on 5 acres...and my neighbors live on 10. This attack happened 5 feet from the side of my house, right next to my central a/c unit. I actually don't know my neighbors that well. We keep to ourselves pretty much. Wave as we pass each other while dropping our kids at the bus stop in the morning....that's about it. They know what happened. They came down to my house while I was on my way home from the hospital with my sobbing wife and my dead, torn up dog in a box in the trunk. My mom was there watching my son and she opened the door and told them that she just couldn't talk today....please leave....we'll talk tomorrow. My mom was a mess too.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to do......something.
They actually have TWO Rottweilers, and I'm wondering what would have happened if my 6 yr old son would have seen the attack.....and tried to save his dog???!!! We were both outside when it happened, but we were on the other side of the house....didn't hear the attack.
But....what if......
That could have been my son dangling from that dogs jaws. Dear Lord. I'm afraid to let my son outside to play now.
I'm not really looking for pity here. Just looking for advice on what I should do now. What steps to take, and when. And what should I expect to happen.
I'm not thinking straight and need some help.
I did call 911 right after the attack to get the hospital phone number. And I did call the State Police just now. They are sending an SPCA officer over to my house to "get my information". But the SPCA guy said that there's not much that he can do. He said it's a civil matter.