Selling my mk6 so I have a few parts off it for sale.
- oem cherry red golf r tail lights which were bought from Ecs asking $450
-oem front lip in factory painted red bought from Vw dealership. - $150
- oem Gti carpet floor mats almost brand new as I used my monster mats pretty much the whole time - $60
- oem euro headlight switch where you can control the rear fog on euro r tail lights. -$50
Located in Brampton. Dm if interested and I’ll send pictures, not sure how busy this site is anymore.
- oem cherry red golf r tail lights which were bought from Ecs asking $450
-oem front lip in factory painted red bought from Vw dealership. - $150
- oem Gti carpet floor mats almost brand new as I used my monster mats pretty much the whole time - $60
- oem euro headlight switch where you can control the rear fog on euro r tail lights. -$50
Located in Brampton. Dm if interested and I’ll send pictures, not sure how busy this site is anymore.