The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
What other reason would a lame duck president have for firing the top 4 pentagon officials?

I guess we shall see. Maybe Trump is just doing it as a favor for loyalty for their resume or maybe it could have financial implications for the people who were put into those jobs after Trump leaves office. I don't know but I'm not going to make assumptions.


Autocross Champion
Mitch McConnell saying Trump 2024

Mike Pompeo saying the transition would be easy because it will be to Trump

it's just so Fd up the only thing worse would have been if he actually won
It's hilarious that people on the right are screaming about the election being stolen.

Meanwhile they're the ones trying to steal it. Don't get me wrong, I dislike the Democrats also but these assholes on the right have reinvented hypocrisy.

There is nothing they won't talk out of both sides of their mouth over.

Anyone who actually believes Trump' s actions are justified please get your head examined.

Asshole tweets all summer about LAW AND ORDER then pulls this shit. Believably unbelievable.
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The Fixer
It's funny you guys think there is all this dirt out there on Trump.
Mueller spent $40 million and 3 years trying to find something they could prosecute.
Trump is the most vetted President in history. 0barna and Bush would never stand up to that kind of scrutiny.
And he's not a lame duck yet...the election is still pending.
Pompeo helped fill my swimming pool with liberal tears yesterday LOL


The Fixer


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
It's hilarious that people on the right are screaming about the election being stolen.

Meanwhile they're the ones trying to steal it. Don't get me wrong, I dislike the Democrats also but these assholes on the right have reinvented hypocrisy.

There is nothing they won't talk out of both sides of their mouth over.

Anyone who actually believes Trump' s actions are justified please get you head examined.

Asshole tweets all summer about LAW AND ORDER then pulls this shit. Believably unbelievable.

At this point my take is that you can hardly blame left or right. It seems to be something that is simply systemic in human behavior - the need to divide, conquer, discern friend from foe, etc. In this new world where really, we are all on the same team, but have so much competing for attention, there is a little pocket created to de-evolve, and fight. The hypocrisy on the left has been overwhelming for the last 4 years, but so has the right. Its just people in general.


Autocross Champion
At this point my take is that you can hardly blame left or right. It seems to be something that is simply systemic in human behavior - the need to divide, conquer, discern friend from foe, etc. In this new world where really, we are all on the same team, but have so much competing for attention, there is a little pocket created to de-evolve, and fight. The hypocrisy on the left has been overwhelming for the last 4 years, but so has the right. Its just people in general.
The left are certainly hypocrits too (the street celebrations during covid) but they aren't actively trying to start a civil war.

There's hypocrisy and then there's hypocrisy putting the future of the nation at risk.

Please understand these are orders of magnitude apart.

We are far, far, beyond just nonsense hypocritical rhetoric.


The Fixer
At this point my take is that you can hardly blame left or right. It seems to be something that is simply systemic in human behavior - the need to divide, conquer, discern friend from foe, etc. In this new world where really, we are all on the same team, but have so much competing for attention, there is a little pocket created to de-evolve, and fight. The hypocrisy on the left has been overwhelming for the last 4 years, but so has the right. Its just people in general.
But do you live that way? Divide and conquer? I don't. People say 'it's human nature' but I don't believe that. If you have kids, you'll see true human nature. Everyone is assumed a friend, at least in the beginning.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
It's funny you guys think there is all this dirt out there on Trump.
Mueller spent $40 million and 3 years trying to find something they could prosecute.
Trump is the most vetted President in history. 0barna and Bush would never stand up to that kind of scrutiny.
And he's not a lame duck yet...the election is still pending.
Pompeo helped fill my swimming pool with liberal tears yesterday LOL
Revisionist history right here.

Tons of information was found. McConnel and cronies just had the votes to block it.


Autocross Champion
At this point my take is that you can hardly blame left or right. It seems to be something that is simply systemic in human behavior - the need to divide, conquer, discern friend from foe, etc. In this new world where really, we are all on the same team, but have so much competing for attention, there is a little pocket created to de-evolve, and fight. The hypocrisy on the left has been overwhelming for the last 4 years, but so has the right. Its just people in general.
It's politicians, not people. They realized a while back that they weren't going to do anything that would get people excited enough to vote for them and instead decided they could scare people like zrick into voting by making the other side out to be some sort of existential threat to our nation and their freedoms. The left and right both do it. My parents are a perfect example, they can't really point to anything they like about Trump, but they're scared to death that Biden is a secret socialist out to give them health care and take their guns.