The patch...


Go Kart Champion
Quitting smoking today. I was successful 7 years ago, and just picked it up again over the holidays during some *very* stressful family times.

Patch went on at 3:14 on 3/14/15!

How are you celebrating pi day :)?


Ready to race!
I quit smoking to. Not today but last week. My daughter is in her terrible 2's and it's been really taxing on us. The patch never worked for me, I will continue to try cold turkey.

As far as pi day, Salt and Peter's DJ is coming to town. my 33 year old ears can't handle loud music anymore, but it could be fun.


Go Kart Champion
Haha ... the dreams are my favorite part :). I used the patch successfully last time. It only works for like 20% of the people who use it, but it made it pretty easy for me in the past


New member
All the best guys!!! Save up on the ciggy money to tune your cars!!!

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New member
Best of luck for u guys. Considering doing the same with a baby on the way. But need more of an effort. Quitting smoking means no vaping also.

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Go Kart Champion
Been without a cigarette for 4 years, 3 months and 22 days. Smoked for 15 years, up to two packs a day at my height when I was bartending. I started rolling my own with the drum tobacco, and was adding weed in, untill the tobacco was less and less. I did have to fall off the face of the earth social wise for about 4 months when I finally quit. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing how much time I have behind me. Good luck. It's really not that hard, just stop being a bitch.


Ready to race!
Quit cold turkey on Oct 12 2014 after smoking a pack a day for 15 years. Haven't had one single cravings after the first month...That was my 6th attempt and my most successful (so far). I don't think I will ever smoke again and whenever I think of one, I roll up my favorite herbal smoke.

What really worked for me is:
-Will power/Attitude: Once you understand the psychological dependency and how strong it is, I challenged myself to beat it. Cig companies have spent millions in order to enhance the dependency factor...What you call a filter, is nothing more than a tube that delivers a specific dose to your brain.

-Welbutrin: Helped the first 2 weeks.

-Really Cold water: when cravings come in. (raises your adrenaline, which curbs cravings).

-Snackage: I snacked like crazy and gained like 5 pounds...(losing them now).

Nicotine will play games on you...One more puff, one more cig, just one more and I am done...Don't give in and be mad at yourself for smoking all that crap...


Go Kart Champion
Quitting this time around ha actually been really easy so far... I don't even really think about it. I'd only been smoking again since the holidays, so apparently not long enough to form any lasting triggers around it. Might step down to the smaller patch at the end of the week and see how I do there, but with the step 2 (14mg) patch on, I have no cravings at all.

The only impact so far has been that I'm mildly more annoyed than usual - but it's imperceptible to everyone but me and the wife