your DREAM job?


Rally Car Newbie
pro golfer...those guys make $$$$. no chance of getting hurt unless you get hit by a golf ball. Or just win the lottery and sit on my ass.


bora bora dude
stick like half your lottery winnings in a savings account and watch it go up from interest!


Lt. Commander, USPHS
Ultimate fantasy job? Batting over .300 with power and winning the Gold Glove at shortstop for the New York Yankees. ;)

kirk180 said:
You should either be in pusuit of your dream job or already working it. Of course there are always going to be circumstances. But not too many of them. If someone wants something bad enough then go get it. There. There's my words of encouragement for the day. Take care.
I think I'm one of the few people that has fallen into my dream job by circumstance as opposed to having a goal and going for it. I do healthcare emergency disaster management -- it sort of combines the firefighter/police officer aspects of emergency response, with my knowledge of the healthcare system and my education/experience. I don't make a whole lot of money doing this, but being paid at military officer payscales isn't too bad -- and the personal rewards (pride in wearing a uniform, satisfaction in knowing my job directly benefits people in need) far outweigh the (relatively) low pay.