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Autocross Champion
You weren't even alive at that time and didn't live there. I knew what was going on in the bigger cities and witnessed it there but not in my little podunk town. But I'm sure people were racist in my town I didn't witness it there.

You are absolutely correct, I was not alive. Thankfully I have benefit of hindsight, and am very well read on demographics and geography. It’s kinda what I do.


Autocross Champion
The issue is pretty complex, strange. There are three power grids in the continental US. West, East, and Texas. Texas has a given climate pattern where it’s hot, humid, and moderate in the winter. Only few days of chilly. This is why the whole state shuts down and people run in to grab white bread and milk when there is a dusting of snow. All in all, not really that bad, cold wise. As such their utilities and the capacities therein are only capable of flowing energy at the status quo. Then the jet dips way down and Texas gets to feel like Minnesota in December. But unlike Texas, Minnesota is accustomed to it and it’s just a normal winter day. Our homes are built for it, our HVAC systems have the capacity to keep up with it, but most importantly our energy infrastructure is equipped to deal with high demand and low temps. Our windmills still turn happily in -22F ambient. Now, if our organic systems are taxed, or major feed lines are downed, we can pull power from Miami if needed. Just as we can feed Miami if they need it.

Texas, however can’t pull from outside and there system is not equipped to deal with the requirements needed when temps get that low. They are simply not equipped for it. additionally, they can’t pull from elsewhere because, we’ll, they are a closed system.

rambling... this is good scotch.
Texas chose to not be connected to the grid outside of Texas. It's about politics and profits.
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Autocross Champion
You are absolutely correct, I was not alive. Thankfully I have benefit of hindsight, and am very well read on demographics and geography. It’s kinda what I do.
I'm happy that you've read about a small town of 2500 people in the 1950's in northern Ohio.


The big problem in Texas will be the thaw - when all those frozen pipes (that broke) start leaking water everywhere.


Autocross Champion
Ummm. No. You aren’t the same race as me bitch. Races are a fucking thing. The white man loves adding those pick boxes for a god damn reason. As if race mattered when seeking employment, loans etc

you meant to say species, dumb fuck
People should stop thinking about people as in what race they are. But you saying "the white man loves....." is racist.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Texas chose to not be connected to the grid outside of Texas. It's about politics and profits.

I’m not saying whose to blame here, just saying that the reason it happened is because the weather is WAY outside norms. How many people die in Chicago when it gets into triple digits?


Autocross Champion
You're missing my point.
You either bought an existing house or a vacant lot and built a house. There were no new subdivisions being built. And there wasn't an abundance of vacant lots. It was not only not a growing town it has, since I grew up there, shrunk. What you would call a downtown has been mostly torn down now because everything was old and had been vacant for so long and not maintained. It's extremely sad to me.NNobody would choose to move there for opportunity.
How's that mound of sand you've been burying your head in all these years holding up? do you get ants in there? or squirrels?


Autocross Champion
I suppose you think men can be women and women can be men regardless of if they have a penis or vagina.
It's insanity. You can identify however you want, but biology doesn't lie.

How do people of different 'races' have offspring? The truth is we are not different races, we are one race. We're all human.
The amount of melanin in your skin is inconsequential. Anyone who says otherwise is being divisive virtue signaling.
you're conflating "men" with male and "women" with female. male/female is genotype. men/women is phenotype.