I'm manny and honestly I hate everything about it lol. I hate the horrible lack of low end power when taking off at a light. Then to get power, I need to really give it gas, but then it sounds like I'm racing everyone.
It also does the horribly annoying thing where let's say you are approaching a red light so you let off the gas and are going maybe 5mph about to stop, but then it turns green so you hit the gas again, it has this terrible delay/lag where it's like trying to catch up. Then when it finally wakes up, it jerks you forward hard. Super annoying.
I suppose when I'm on the highway, everything is fine because there isn't much going on at that point. I'm either moving consistently or flooring it so all is well. I just think low end driving is terrible and makes me hate the car, lol.
I've read other tunes seem to correct a lot of the low end driving issues such as Unitronic or Cobb...