Autocross Newbie
huh? I am? What did you do to make me mad?
DONT ANSWER>>IT"S A TRAP!!! :lol::lol:
huh? I am? What did you do to make me mad?
JK... love the dialogue on these chats...makes my day go by faster.. and me look busy at work. A+
This is not chi chat. Begone
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High 30s. Rainish, yesterday was nice thoughHows the weather in Michigan today?
Hows the weather in Michigan today?
Yeah i hate potholesMiserable
Waiting for some glimpse of spring, outside of the warm & rainy weather we had on Thursday
At least the snow is gone though, so now we can see all the new potholes in the road
The holes are pretty wholesome. Scary stuff man.
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Yeah i hate potholes
How much do you guys love them big boy restaraunts doe?
I have never been actually
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Michigan staple tbh. Iono