I worked with a guy that didn’t have any teeth for years. He would bring his lunch in a jar every day… put everything in a blended and would just drink the slurry.
Spaghetti and meatballs
Pot roast with potatoes and carrots
I've had to be on a "soft food" diet a couple different times. Some things is not as bad as you would think. Definitely need more seasonings than non blended food. Once you get past the consistency some things are actually pretty good.
My mom had her jaw wired shut when I was a kid. That was a weird 6 months or whatever it was. She couldn't talk, couldn't eat. One time she thought she was going to throw up so my dad had to immediately rush her to the hospital. She had to do blended food a lot.
My father was on a soft food diet for a while, after spending the cost of a used RS3 on dental work. Full gum and bone reconstruction, plates and fake teeth implants, etc... Spent like $53k on teeth. Had to eat slush for a while.
My father was on a soft food diet for a while, after spending the cost of a used RS3 on dental work. Full gum and bone reconstruction, plates and fake teeth implants, etc... Spent like $53k on teeth. Had to eat slush for a while.
I always park towards the back. I've saved so much time walking the extra distance in both not having to wait for people to get the fuck out of my way, and by knowing there's always an open spot.
winning post. Plus less chance of door dings. Alas, if I'm out shopping, chances are high I'm with my wife, who doesn't follow such perfect logic. She would rather sit and wait for someone to leave to get a closer spot, which i FUCKING hate.