What is going on with this company? Heard good things, decided to message them on the forum about products. No reply after 2 weeks. Email them online through their website, no reply. Are they still in business or what?
That's strange... when did you email them? This last weekend was a holiday weekend so that probably had something to do with it. Through all of my experience with them they ship quickly and always respond to emails pretty fast.
tried Pm/ email and email service on their website. Althought the last one was done yesterday, hopefully they will reply soon cause my patience is limited.
maybe you'll have more response if you FB message them? lol.. damn.. what a lack of service.
i remember when they first became a sponsor on the site... really quick responses and great customer service. disappointing to see that it's become like this.
I had ZERO issues with ecstuning since i bought stuff from em more than 20 times. I tried to buy a GFB DV+ months ago moddedeuros, I got no update on shipping, etc. so i called them to cancel my order since a forum member here posted one for sale $15 bucks cheaper, so I snagged from him. Then about a month ago, i tried to buy bolts off of them, but guess what, that right, no another email for update on shipping. I emailed them regarding the situation 2 weeks ago and I got no response. Moral of the story, they lost my business, and aren't their shop is in philly which is 3 hours away from me. Might as well drive there and get it in order to get it quicker lol.
I wouldn't waste my time and just leave it alone, I didn't recieve my order, email updates or response when I asked, not to mention I ordered a MONTH ago. i'm just glad they didn't take my money.
I found the email. Looks like we responded to your email the other day but do not have any open responses from you awaiting any reply from us. If you have any other questions feel free to let us know