Got my invoice back from the shop. $3500, incl 200 for the battery, to be deducted when I bring mine back for warranty repair... Except it's out of warranty. I wanted to save for a decent lithium battery, but I don't really think I can afford more than $400 right now. I'm gonna keep researching it, hopefully I can find something I like for less.
Shop also forgot to torque my axles to the transmission-axle flange. Maybe also the axle nut, but I didn't have the tools to check that. 750 miles on hand-tightened axles. I'm going to have them recheck all the hardware I asked them to torque to spec. That's the axles and all rear suspension (toe arm, rear trailing arm, lower control arm, and upper control arm, specifically), some of which I had already done. The axles also need to be repaired at the least, if not replaced, as I only noticed when I saw all the axle grease splatter (which I'm also going to ask them to clean).
Also I broke the thread off the transmission shift tower because I'm really stupid so now that's $450 + labor, and I have to be very gentle going side to side (no more wiggles to make sure I'm in neutral

Installed the ECS panzer plate, tightened the shifter cables up and fixed my driver side-marker. Have to figure out what's up with my fog lights, should be bad plugs. Passenger side-marker has a missing terminal and is corroded.
I think I'll commit next weekend to replacing some necessary plugs: throttle sensor, coils, fog lights, side marker, MAF sensor, and whatever plug is causing my car to say it has no oil. RR wheel speed sensor, too.