The COVID19 SCAMdemic... Skynet Becomes Self Aware Today - Gamestop Brings Retro Games To Moon


Autocross Champion
Idaho is ending their restrictions. CDC is walking back quarantine rules, and now says asymptomatic people should not even be tested.
Mask burning party at my place.

Idaho is my new favorite state. Since I'm apparently a potato I can't think of a better state. But I'm happy being a potato. Think about how versatile a potato is. You can bake it, french fry it, scalloped potatoes, mash it etc. But a fruitcake? Well it's just a fruitcake. The next time I go to a restaurant and hear someone say "I would like a piece of fruitcake" will be the first time.


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Are you guys talking about killing and cooking GTIfan99 or is this actually about potatoes?


The Fixer
Are you guys talking about killing and cooking GTIfan99 or is this actually about potatoes?
LOL WTF? That got dark fast.


Drag Racing Champion
They are counting EVERY death as COVID. The CDC wrote it in black and white. Undercounting, are you kidding me?
Motorcycle crash = COVID.
This has been documented. Your 'excess death rate' doesn't scare me. An old person dies in the nursing home, they say it's COVID.
When the smoke clears, the FDA, CDC and news media will labeled as charlatans.
The statistics CDC list are from 2017. We won't know the truth until 2023, and even then it's debatable.
People are building immunity. Deaths will continue to drop. Mask wearing is simply dragging the process out.
All we know for sure is only 0.2% have tested positive, majority recover, and many false positives. You can't deny this.

You're making a lot of anecdotal conspiracy theory claims and you're not providing citations on ANYTHING. Please provide me the citation for your specific claim that somebody died of a motorcycle accident and the coroner who has a LEGAL responsibility to provide an ACCURATE cause of death claimed a motorcycle accident was due to COVID.

Let's see your evidence since this undercounting is allegedly so prevalent it's happening all the time... should be no problem providing me hundreds of examples, esp, since at least a thousand people a day are being recorded as dying from COVID. I mean with 170K COVID deaths and as pervasive as you claim this is, I should expect you can provide me examples of more than 10K cases where a CORONER recorded the wrong cause of death.

Let's see your PROOF.


Autocross Champion
Well, im here to report that I am typing this from the dead! Craziest thing
Anyway, other than being dead I'm feeling pretty good. The headaches have pretty much subsided and the only lingering issues is I have no sense of smell. I stuck my nose in a coffee jar and couldn't identify it by smell. Weirdest thing...and being dead of course


The Fixer
Well, im here to report that I am typing this from the dead! Craziest thing
Anyway, other than being dead I'm feeling pretty good.
You look good for a dead guy. Thanks for the update!


The Fixer
Let's see your PROOF.
There are citations for everything I've said. You think I make this stuff up out of thin air?
Google uses algorithms to promote the agenda, and hide contradicting info. This is also documented.
You can search for it the same as me. You don't want to? Me neither. But I know what I've read.
I've posted the highlights...15 days to flatten the curve, 164 days ago. Minor infection gives you immunity. Sweden.
0.054% dead. 0.2% being tested. It was a power grab.