Recent content by TommyD

  1. TommyD

    Presidential/Political Discussion Thread

    Even in her picture she has crazy eyes.... Crazy means good lovin.. if you can put up with her tagging your ear in your sleep.
  2. TommyD

    Presidential/Political Discussion Thread

    I bet she doesn't use protection so that could be a plus....
  3. TommyD

    Presidential/Political Discussion Thread

    Actually no. Navistar manufactures trucks, tractors and other industrial stuff. Saying Navistar is a green technology company is like saying GM is one because they have the volt. My father worked for Navistar when it was International Harvester. He was laid off when Aurthor Anderson came in...
  4. TommyD

    Presidential/Political Discussion Thread

    This is just chock full of issues: Navistar is a green company? Wives are possessions? Seems like a lot of people skipped the debate classes in HS and college. The election boiled down to one question and one follow up for America. "What is more important, Social issues or economic issues"...
  5. TommyD

    Route 66 Red Carpet Days May 5-6

    Next weekend Route 66 is opened for the summer with Red Carpet days. An event where you can run from Joliet to Pontiac Il, stopping along the way with events in different small towns. Let me know if anyone is interested. I might do the run Saturday late AM early afternoon...
  6. TommyD

    Unusual ticket in my GTI

    Unlike your time in the back seat you are screwed. Cop caught you with your pants down, literally, then you got to pay the fine or do the community time. "Your honor, I was in my car with tinted windows, in a secluded place and my lady and I got carried away. Where we were, the officer had to...
  7. TommyD

    Mega Millions

    In my circles, 4.5 million is the beginning of self sustaining rich with a very comfortable interest. I would say $100,000 to 3 mil would be really nice. Then again you can go with the causality mentality and say any winnings will change your life. $5 will.
  8. TommyD

    Mega Millions

    I don't think so.. I know an Isreali arms dealer who might be able to help out...
  9. TommyD

    Mega Millions

    If one were to win it all... before the tax man cometh... you would be worth more than Romney...
  10. TommyD

    Mega Millions

    Some people are just not meant to have money because they are terrible at math... 36 thousand...
  11. TommyD

    Mega Millions

    ... two chicks at the same time... Invest, maybe start an X prize of some kind. Buy a nice south loop or near north condo on at least the 14th floor or higher with lots of windows and a deck so the two chicks can sun tan. Audi RS8 convertible or S5. ohh and a boat or two. Travel for fun for...
  12. TommyD

    Audi S5 style headlights

    Has anyone purchased the following? I was really thinking that these would look good, specifically the LED line ala A/S5. Is this a reputable company? Thanks in advance.
  13. TommyD

    Whats your occupation?

    ^ why would you want to get into Finance these days? I am looking to get out once I am done with this. I am the Technology Director for a Financial firm that has officially moved out of the start up realm.