Official DFW Chat Thread


Ready to race!
Does anyone here have vagcom?
I just installed eds replicas and I have to do some stuff to make the DRL to work.


Ready to race!
I've noticed that cali is so big on IMO compared to us.
I think we should change that asap :)

You're living in the wrong state if you're looking for a huge euro scene lol.


Ready to race!
That's not it,
I've just noticed that the people in the euro scene in other states help eachother out. In the dfe area its more about selling stuff then helping out and being a family. But hey maybe your right!


Ready to race!
That's not it,
I've just noticed that the people in the euro scene in other states help eachother out. In the dfe area its more about selling stuff then helping out and being a family. But hey maybe your right!

I honestly have not met one person locally that's not willing to help out. No one gets on here. You need to be on dfweuros for anything local lol.


Ready to race!
Hey can anyone help me out for some reason I'm trying to sign up for dfweuros and it says I'm getting the security question wrong


New member
Has the DFW scene gotten any better since youve been back? Ive been looking for people to meet up, but so far have been out of luck.


Ready to race!
There's a car meet in addison at a bar called the back 9.
I used to go to it but it's gotten lame.
Me and some VW guys might just go to twin peaks in plano and watch the game. If we do go your more then welcome to join us.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
There's a car meet in addison at a bar called the back 9.
I used to go to it but it's gotten lame.
Me and some VW guys might just go to twin peaks in plano and watch the game. If we do go your more then welcome to join us.

hmm. google says its a sports bar with scantilly clad women lol. sounds about right. What time would you be going?