P2SPEC: The Resolution Thread

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Go Kart Champion
Everyone, first and foremost I understand what label I've been given toward this community. For this I greatly apologize as some of you I actually do consider true friends. Developing a business centered around falsities and assumptions and carelessness can only lead to downfall sooner or later and with P2's downfall I'm happy and quite sad at the same time time. Happy because I see what you all as a community had discovered and sad that the promises made to me were broken... I still can't believe how far down the rabbit hole a few people can let the story go and make no attempt to save one of their own. Many things went awry due to my naive and trusting self.

Again, If it appeared I had led this community on, it's because I had fear of being left behind. And then I was anyway so the responsibility does in fact remain mine. I'm Ben on this forum, so it's Ben I'll remain.

*** This thread primarily exists for the resolution toward the customers listed below, publicly, and for the commentary of these people towards my actions to make things right because it is the only thing that needs to be done at this point, regardless of where funds come from. ***

ramiloutfi - Western Union, out of pocket. 9/12/11, CONFIRMED 9/13.
fdez-hicks - Resolved via Bank Reversal. CONFIRMED.
Effrain_O - Western Union 9/12/11 CONFIRMED.
Anthony_MKVI - Western Union, 9/14 CONFIRMED
Hilfloskind - $50, - CONFIRMED
skullet - PayPal reversal. CONFIRMED.
RGTrain - Western Union ] 9/14, CONFIRMED
Merelington, Western Union 9/16 - CONFIRMED
Joshtsai, Western Union 9/16 - CONFIRMED
Cory, Bank Reversal/CC. CONFIRMED.
Monteman79, HID Lighting Kit Refund, (pending)

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Go Kart Champion
My Background

Yes, I shoot professionally as a Photographer. I've been publicized in a few magazines, most prominent photos found in Disney talent magazines, hence everyone's association with myself and the talented sister. Thus, I also take all of her headshots. I love marketing, graphic design and line layout work, hence if P2Spec looked like a better version of another vendor's website it's because cookie cutting things kinda sucks and of course it couldn't be identical otherwise risking the obvious links.


Danny Boy1

Ready to race!
King, I think the truth is in order. I don't think you're starting any other company soon, or ever. So its not like you have to save your reputation.


Go Kart Champion
I actually have no clue what he's even insinuating with that statement...all I can think is that it gives the appearance of another, shadowy figure behind all of this so he can walk away less tarnished.

I think he was trying to say that we're the dicks for speculating that the other vendor was involved in his scheme (which I still have my own questions about).


Go Kart Champion
What really cracks me up is that in terms of a rabbit hole, we were all basically looking at a crack in the floor without realizing there even WAS a hole until I happened to mention flipachu as one of my contacts...all the sudden, the crack became a hole and the entire house of cards fell into the chasm. It's funny how ONE small detail unraveled this whole tangled mess.


Ready to race!
Yet Benfrankachu thinks it's better to continue the runaround rather than just coming straight out with it.

Glad I never bought those Avant Gardes lol!


Go Kart Champion
King, I think the truth is in order. I don't think you're starting any other company soon, or ever. So its not like you have to save your reputation.
Danny, you're right. I'm in no position to start anything at this point. This is my first and last automotive company of my own. And you're also right, I also don't have to save my reputation, but I'm still around.

Told by whom? That "other company"? Someone else?
If you would like more information about what this means, I will meet you in person to discuss this.

Funny coming from you...
That's definitely understood.

I actually have no clue what he's even insinuating with that statement...all I can think is that it gives the appearance of another, shadowy figure behind all of this so he can walk away less tarnished.
No more shadowy figures.

This doesn't resolve the lack of resolution from the previous threads :|

I apologize for that. No real reason for me to disappear suddenly now anyway.

I think he was trying to say that we're the dicks for speculating that the other vendor was involved in his scheme (which I still have my own questions about).
If you would like more information about this, I will meet you in person to discuss and you can form your own conclusion.


Ready to race!
This doesn't resolve the lack of resolution from the previous threads :|



I would try and resolve this before the mods lock this one up too
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