Juice Diet


Go Kart Champion
Saw a documentary on Netflix recently called "Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead"

It was about this Australian dude that spent his whole life eating crappy foods, got fat, and developed some sort of immune/hormone sickness where he develops rashes all over his body and has to take a whole bunch of prescription steroids to fix it.

Basically, he decided to fast for 2 months only eating (drinking) juice made from organic vegetables and fruits. He lost weight, got 100x healthier, and even didn't need to take his meds anymore.

This intrigued me. Not because I need to lose weight or anything (far from it actually) but because my diet sucks. I'm a total carnivore and addicted to anything sloppy and greasy. I think it's taking a toll on my general health and well-being.

I was thinking of doing a week long "detox" and do the juice diet for 7-10 days. Supposedly it should help replenish my body of all it's valuable nutrients and help me become more alert and energetic which is something I've been lacking a lot lately.

I was going to do 4-6 servings of juice mixed with whey protein per day with mixed greens and fruits. What do you guys think? Any health gurus on here care to contribute?


Go Kart Champion
I was the worst eater ever myself, no veggies and a totally unbalanced diet. I was lucky that I wasn't overweight.

I switched to a vegetarian diet. While you can still eat poorly eating meat free, it did force me to eat more veggies, fruits and grains.

I'm no longer a vegetarian. I eat chicken and fish (no beef or pork) and finally eat balanced meals. These diet options kinda force you to forgo a lot of fast food and steer you towards healthier, balanced options.

A juice diet may be too difficult for the vast majority to stick with but seeking replacements to food items and being conscience of what you're eating - a better option.


Go Kart Champion
Well like I said, the juice diet would only be about 7 days long. I feel like I just need the detox of all the crap in my body before I can start working on a better diet.


Go Kart Champion
You could do basically the same thing with Boost or Ensure or some other product like that rather than the juice/juicer route. You might want to talk to a dietician or your doctor first though.


Go Kart Champion
The whey protein would just be a benefit for me to work on getting a bit more muscle mass.

And I don't trust the artificial stuff. Seems like going natural is a better choice than all the synthesized nutrients.


Nattaboy Council Member
Well like I said, the juice diet would only be about 7 days long. I feel like I just need the detox of all the crap in my body before I can start working on a better diet.

I strongly encourage it! I myself have done several juice fasts and a couple of water fasts (dont suggest this method for more than a day lol). I suggest starting with a single day. It will be hard enough not to eat, trust me. Take a few days off and eat healthy. Then Try 2 or 3 days. The first day is tough, the second is very difficult, but the third is where it starts to become easy. It takes a male body about 48-72 hours before it starts to break down stored fat and use it for energy. After the third day, it is relatively easy compared to the first 2 days.
I take mega man sport when I fast, and drink V8. The Grape & Raspberry is freaking delicious, and 8 ounces contains a full serving of fruits and veggies while only hitting you with 70-80 calories.
Put the juice on ice, whichever you decide on. It waters it down and makes it so your stomach doesnt get hit with such a high concentration.
You will crave the taste of food so bad; not even want to eat it, just taste it! Very hard to explain unless you do it. Just my 2 cents :D

Just keep pushing and tell yourself it will be worth it in the end! Good luck!!

EDIT: I would also recommend, as someone stated earlier, talking to a dietician first. Also, you SHOULD NOT exercise while on a juice fast. Only exercise that is recommended by professionals is up to a 30 minute WALK! There really is no need for whey protein since you shouldnt be working out during the fast, but I wont tell ya not to take it lol
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Go Kart Champion
ive given up certain foods/drinks over the years. ive complety given up soda/carbonated drinks. im naturally fit so i can eat anything i want but i still watch what i eat.. running helps to burn fat up i think. ive never had fat but ive done some crazy shit to get over lazyness. good thing germany has lots of giant hills, makes for an interesting jog. i would never give up food completly.


Ready to race!
A juice diet will not do anything for you in the long run. If you really want to change you need to make a commitment to a balenced and consistent diet.


Nattaboy Council Member
A juice diet will not do anything for you in the long run. If you really want to change you need to make a commitment to a balenced and consistent diet.

True! However, I have found that over the years, starting off a new healthy diet with a several day fast helps to reduce appetite and makes me despise greasy, unhealthy foods. Helps to keep me pointed in the right direction with the new diet.


my sisters husbands sisters husband did the juice diet for 30 days. NOTHING but liquids. he lost 30 pounds.


Ready to race!
Diets don't last. Eating healthy is a life style. You've got to figure if it was easy everybody would do it. If you want mass then take in more protein(meats, fish, eggs). Red meat like steak is great for men, high protein and low carbs plus many other benefits. Eat/drink veggies to complement the meats. It might be easier to start and give up a "bad" food from your diet like french fries or soda. I agree with others that you should talk to a doctor before doing this diet.

Another thing that helps me is I use a calorie counter. Shows you the fat, carb, proteins, and calories. It helps keep things in check....even the munchies @2am